Research topics and some recent papers

1) Singularities of real and complex mappings (deformations of such singularities, study of their invariants, classification of singularities up to left-right equivalence), see e.g.:

J.H. Rieger and M.A.S. Ruas - ``M-deformations of A-simple $\Sigma ^{n-p+1}$-germs from $R^n$ to $R^p$, $n\ge p$'', Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 139 (2005), 333-349.

2) Applications of singularity theory to

knot theory, see e.g.

J.S. Carter, J.H. Rieger and M. Saito - ``A combinatorial description of knotted surfaces and their isotopies'', Advances in Mathematics 127:1 (1997), 1-51.

unimodular and symplectic geometry (i.e. to the study of mappings from a manifold into another manifold with a volume or a symplectic form that has to be preserved), see e.g.

W. Domitrz and J.H. Rieger - ``Volume-preserving diffeomorphisms on varieties and $A_{\Omega}$-equivalence of maps'', Singularities and Symplectic Geometry - Part VII, Warsaw Singularity Theory seminar publication series, 2005, 2-41.

the differential geometry of generic submanifolds, see e.g.

S. Ghosh and J.H. Rieger - ``Singularities of secant maps of immersed surfaces'', Geometriae Dedicata 121 (2006), 73-87.

the computational geometry of real algebraic sets, see e.g.

J.H. Rieger - ``Proximity in arrangements of algebraic sets'', SIAM Journal on Computing 29 (1999), 433-458.

computer vision, see e.g.

J.H. Rieger - ``On the complexity and computation of view graphs of piecewise smooth algebraic surfaces'', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London Ser. A 354 (1996), Number 1714, 1899-1940.